Do women get more matches on Tinder than men?

Written by: Sophia
Unveiling Tinder Matches for Women: Do They Outnumber Mens?

Ever wondered why your Tinder feed is a bit like London's weather - unpredictable and full of surprises? Well, you're not alone. Let's delve into the intriguing world of Tinder matches, particularly focusing on whether women really do bag more matches than men. Buckle up, it's about to get interesting.

Quick Summary (TL;DR)

  • Women do indeed get more matches on Tinder compared to men, largely due to the gender dynamics and strategies employed by users of the app.
  • The imbalance in Tinder's success rates between genders can be attributed to several factors, including the tendency for men to swipe right more often, and women being more selective with their swipes.
  • While women receive a high volume of matches, they employ various strategies to manage them effectively, such as being selective with their swipes and engaging in meaningful conversations.
  • The average number of matches for women on Tinder is significantly higher than for men, reflecting the gender dynamics within the app.
  • The desires of women and men on Tinder differ, with women generally seeking quality matches and meaningful connections, whilst men often prioritise quantity.
  • Despite the disparity in match rates, both genders can optimise their Tinder experience by understanding these dynamics and adjusting their strategies accordingly.

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Table of contents

Unveiling Tinder Matches for Women: Do They Outnumber Mens?

Understanding Tinder's Gender Dynamics

Welcome to the wild world of Tinder's gender dynamics. Ever wondered why your female friend seems to have an overflowing inbox of matches while your notifications remain eerily quiet? Well, you're not alone. Studies indicate that women on Tinder tend to get more matches than men. Quite simply, it's a numbers game.

On average, men are more likely to swipe right, leading to a higher number of matches for women. It's a bit like fishing with a wide net, you're bound to catch something, right? But don't let this discourage you, gents. It's not all about quantity, but quality.

So, are women just drowning in a sea of potential suitors? Not exactly. While women do receive more matches, it's important to remember that not all of these matches lead to meaningful connections. And isn't that what we're all here for?

So buckle up, as we delve deeper into this fascinating topic. Next up, we're discussing why Tinder is unbalanced when it comes to gender success rates. Spoiler alert: it's not as straightforward as you might think.

"In the world of Tinder, women tend to reel in more matches, but that doesn't necessarily translate into more meaningful connections."

Why is Tinder Unbalanced When it Comes to Gender Success Rates?

If you've ever wondered why your mate Dave is swiping right like a man possessed, while your friend Sarah is more selective, it's because Tinder is a bit like the Wild West when it comes to gender success rates.

So, why do women seem to have the upper hand? Well, it's not just because they've mastered the art of the perfect selfie. It's actually all down to a few factors. Firstly, the gender ratio on Tinder itself. With 55% of users being male, the dating pool is already tilted in favour of women.

Another factor? Men's swiping habits. Most gents tend to swipe right more often, hoping to increase their chances of a match. In contrast, women are more selective, leading to a higher match rate for them.

But before you start feeling sorry for Dave, remember that a higher match rate doesn't necessarily mean more meaningful connections. So, don't fret, Dave, your perfect match could be just a swipe away.

Now, let's delve deeper into the topic of "Do Women Get Too Many Matches on Tinder?" and see if we can help Sarah manage her overflowing inbox.

Do Women Get Too Many Matches on Tinder?

So, do women get too many matches on Tinder? Well, in the world of online dating, 'too many' can be tricky to define. It's like having too many chocolates in a box; delightful in theory, but overwhelming in practice.

On Tinder, the scales often tip in women's favour. They are the choosy ones, the deciders. It's like they're at a buffet, while guys are at the takeaway counter hoping their order gets picked. Humorous, isn't it? But this is the reality.

Women do tend to get more matches. This is partly because men are more likely to swipe right, hoping for a match, while women are more selective. It's a bit like fishing with a net versus fishing with a line; one is bound to catch more.

So, yes, in terms of sheer numbers, women might find themselves with an overflowing inbox of matches. But remember, quantity doesn't always translate to quality. It's not about how many matches you have, but what you do with them. Now, that's food for thought, isn't it?

Now, let's ponder on how women deal with this avalanche of matches. Spoiler alert: it's not as easy as you might think.

How Do Women Deal with the Variety of Matches - Strategies

Ladies, being spoiled for choice on Tinder can be a mixed blessing, can't it? With more matches than men, it's like having a candy shop at your fingertips, but how do you pick the sweetest one?

Here's the secret: Quality over quantity. It's not about swiping right on every Tom, Dick and Harry, but carefully selecting those who truly pique your interest. Keep your standards high, ladies!

Now, onto the matches. Communication is key. Engage in meaningful conversations, and you'll quickly discern the gems from the pebbles. Remember, you're not hunting for the most matches, but the best ones.

On a final note, don't forget to have fun. Tinder is, after all, a social platform. So sit back, enjoy the ride and may your Tinder adventures be thrilling!

"In the world of Tinder matches, it's not about the quantity, but the quality that counts."

Now, let's move on to the question: "What is the normal number of Tinder matches for women?" Buckle up, because we are about to delve into the world of statistics!

Unveiling Tinder Matches for Women: Do They Outnumber Mens?

What is the Normal Number of Tinder Matches for Women?

Ready for a journey through the labyrinth of Tinder statistics? Buckle up, because we're about to answer the question: "What is the normal number of Tinder matches for women?"

When it comes to the number of Tinder matches for women, the ladies certainly take the crown. Women, being more selective, swipe right less often but match at a 10% higher rate than men. This means if a woman swipes right, there's a good chance she'll strike a match.

Let's put that into perspective, shall we? If we consider the data released by Tinder in 2018, out of the 1.6 billion swipes recorded per day, about 26 million resulted in matches. That's a match rate of around 1.63%. But remember, for women, this rate is 10% higher.

So, ladies, if you've been swiping right and still aren't getting as many matches as you'd like, don't fret. It's not about the quantity, but the quality of matches that counts. After all, who needs a sea of matches when you can find a pearl in just a few?

"In the world of Tinder matches, it's not about the quantity, but the quality that counts."

Now, let's switch gears and delve into the world of men's matches. Are you ready to discover what the normal number of Tinder matches for men is? Let's find out!

What is the Normal Number of Tinder Matches for Men?

Lads, ever wondered what the average number of Tinder matches is for men like us? Well, brace yourself! The land of Tinder is a bit of a tough terrain for men. Research reveals that men tend to like a large proportion of the profiles they view, but only receive likes back about 0.6% of the time. Yikes! That's quite a reality check, isn't it?

But hey, don't let that discourage you. Remember, it's not a numbers game. It's all about finding quality over quantity. So, instead of swiping right on every profile in a desperate attempt to increase your matches, why not be a bit more selective? After all, it's about finding your perfect match, not collecting matches like Pokémon cards, right?

So, guys, don't get disheartened by the numbers. Keep swiping, keep your standards high, and your perfect match might just be a swipe away.

"In the world of Tinder, it's not about the number of matches, but finding the right match that counts."

Now, let's move on to comparing what women want versus what men want on Tinder. How different or similar are we? Let's find out.

What Women Want Vs What Men Want on Tinder

When it comes to the nitty-gritty of Tinder, there are subtle yet significant differences between what women want and what men want. Women, as the saying goes, are from Venus. They are more selective, aiming for quality over quantity. They take their time, scrutinising profiles before swiping right. Their Tinder matches often reflect this careful selection.

Men, on the other hand, are from Mars. They tend to swipe right more often, playing the numbers game in hopes of scoring a match. Unlike women, men often favour quantity over quality.

So, is it a case of opposites attract? Not necessarily. As our Tinder journey continues, it's clear that despite these differences, we're all just searching for a connection.

But wait, there's more. Ever wondered why men seem to have a "Swipe Right" motto on Tinder? Let's unravel that next.

"On Tinder, it's not about quantity, but the quality of matches that truly matters."

Do Men Always Swipe Right on Tinder?

Well, my friend, have you ever heard of the 'shotgun approach'? It's the idea that men are more likely to swipe right on Tinder, hoping to increase their chances of a match. They cast a wide net, so to speak. But is it true? Do men always swipe right?

The answer is a bit complex. While it's not entirely accurate to say all men constantly swipe right, studies do suggest that men tend to 'like' a larger proportion of profiles they come across. It's a numbers game for many – the more profiles they like, the better their chances of landing a match.

But remember, it's not about the quantity of matches, but the quality of those matches that truly matter. So, do men always swipe right on Tinder? Not always, but it's fair to say they swipe right more often than not.

"On Tinder, it's not about quantity, but the quality of matches that truly matters."

So, what's next in our Tinder-tale, you ask? Let's wrap things up in the conclusion, shall we?


In conclusion, the data presented in this article suggests that women do indeed receive more matches on Tinder than men. This is largely due to the higher selectivity of women when swiping right, while men tend to swipe right more liberally. The gender disparity in match rates can be attributed to the different strategies and behaviours adopted by male and female users. However, the number of matches does not necessarily correlate with the quality of connections or potential for a successful relationship. Therefore, users should focus more on creating a well-rounded, appealing profile rather than simply aiming for a high match rate.

Unveiling Tinder Matches for Women: Do They Outnumber Mens?


Question: Do women get more matches on Tinder compared to men?

Yes, statistically speaking, women on Tinder tend to get a significantly higher number of matches than men. This is due to a variety of factors, including gender dynamics and user behaviour on the platform.

Question: Why is there a gender imbalance in Tinder success rates?

The gender imbalance in Tinder success rates can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, men tend to swipe right more frequently than women. Secondly, women are often more selective in their swiping, leading to fewer, but potentially more meaningful matches.

Question: Do women get too many matches on Tinder?

The number of matches a woman gets on Tinder can vary greatly depending on various factors such as location, age, and profile attractiveness. However, it is generally observed that women receive more matches than men.

Question: How do women handle the variety of matches on Tinder?

There are several strategies that women use to handle the variety of matches on Tinder. Some might engage in conversations with only a select few, while others might try to keep up with all their matches. It largely depends on the individual's preferences and goals on the platform.

Question: What is the normal number of matches for women and men on Tinder?

The 'normal' number of matches can vary greatly depending on factors such as user activity, location, and profile attractiveness. However, studies suggest that women tend to receive more matches than men on average.

Question: Do men always swipe right on Tinder?

While not all men 'always' swipe right, studies suggest that men are more likely to swipe right than women, contributing to the gender imbalance in match rates.

Question: What do women and men want on Tinder?

Desires on Tinder vary greatly among individuals. However, studies suggest that men are more likely to use Tinder for casual relationships, while women are more likely to use it for meaningful connections.

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Sophia focuses on how-to articles.
Since she studied psychology, Sophia has been concerned with the best criteria for matching people in online dating so that a relationship lasts for a really long time. In their opinion, an important factor is sincerity when filling out the profiles. This is the only way to ensure that you are not rejected at the first meeting.